Monday, January 17, 2011

Recognize the Possibilities

As I continually grow in life, one thing that always comes back to me is that we have to learn to see things from different perspectives. Looking through our own experiences only limits us to what others have been through and what others feel and think. As Atticus so wisely stated, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view--until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it". We each have our own experiences that help us with our own decisions and choices, but we must always remember that we cannot make choices for others or try to force them to do what we may believe to be right. That is one of the most beautiful gifts we have, is our ability to make our own choices. Recognize that others may not understand, but make choices because you know they are right. And always be willing to see the possibilities.

Skippy :)

The newest member of the family is Skippy, my Australian Shepherd. He is the most lovable and intelligent dog a gal could find. He loves to play, socialize and watch people. It's official, I love my dog :)

Jumping into 2011

The new year is here and there are so many things to look forward to this year. I want to start focusing more on my passion with cooking and enjoying life to the fullest. I will finish my Master's degree in May and who knows what direction that will lead me in! Enjoy :)

About Me

My photo
Lifelong educator! I look forward to what I can learn each and every day. I live my life as a musical and love theater and all things related to music. Food is my passion - eating, cooking, learning about...I just want more! A bit of a Disney fanatic ;). This merely scratches the surface, but you've got to start somewhere....

What interests me at the moment......

  • DISNEY!!!
  • Committing myself fully to whatever I do
  • Any holiday or weekend that I don't have to work and I can go to WDW :-)
  • Travelling to different FL beaches
  • Cooking :)
  • Watching Glee
  • Looking to buy my first home!

This is where I want to work!

DJ Amberlicious :)

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